Children Unplug poetry

Text: Tug Dumbly


Children unplug, this world isn’t virtual

dejack and eject, put down the control

don’t let a machine imagine your mind

home invade your nascent soul

Children unplug, this world’s isn’t pixels

the real liquid crystal’s alive in that stream

you don’t have to catch it, to snap it or share it

your eyes are the camera to capture your dreams

Brother your fingers and thumbs are a wonder

hands to grab sticks, shaped to fling stones

be dazzled be nuzzled be roughed up by nature

get down in the dirt of your earthy home

Sister you’re worth so much more than devices’

iPhoney fantasias of selfie esteem

those shuffling fields of wilted-neck flowers

heads wired up, pinned to a screen

C’mon now kid just put down the tablet

come out with your head up, check out the sky

pluck the buds from your ears, hear the birds of the earth

build bowers of beauty in which to abide

Build bowers of beauty, nests of memory

a clandestine cave where sweet senses hive

pluck the buds from your ears, hear the birds of the earth

and those croaking creeks of creature cry

Build bowers of beauty, nests of memory

come out with your head up, check out the sky

pluck the buds from your ears, hear the birds of the earth

and scroll to the end having been alive.



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